Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Speaking of Loser Democrats, I Wonder How Cindy Sheehan's Campign is Going?

Packing them in I see....

Cindy must truly miss the days when she could merely wave around a picture of her son and mainpulate the legions of wire service photographers hovering around her to do her bidding. They would help hold her vigil at President Bush's Ranch, she met Al Sharpton, got to meet Hugo Chavez.

Man, those were the days...

I am guessing that this picture also showcases the total amount of contributers to her campaign fund as well....



1 comment:

Harvey said...

Cindy Sheehan is just further proof that the far left can be equally as goofy as the far right. She hasn't got a chance of defeating Nancy Pelosi. I mean there just aren't that many goofy people out there, even in San Francisco...even if you include all those fugitives from a mental institution on Market Street!