Tuesday, September 23, 2008

More Traitors Who Should Hang Say: Engagement with Iran is Good, Apologize to the Muslim World in Your Inaguration...

Alec Baldwin would approve....

WASHINGTON: The next U.S. president should speak out for better relations with the Muslim world in his inaugural address and pursue an accord between Israel and the Palestinians within three months of taking office, a diverse coalition of 34 former U.S. officials and civic leaders said in a report being issued Wednesday.

The proposals, which include diplomatic engagement with Iran, are designed to reverse Muslim extremism and enhance U.S. international security. They are based on the conclusion that improving U.S. relations with Muslim countries and communities is critical, the report said.

Also, it said, the new president should reaffirm immediately a U.S.commitment to prohibit all forms of torture.

Bush's war on terror, the report said, has been inadequate and sometimes counter-productive ( only to the Taliban's objectives--ed). It recommends "partnership" with Muslims committed to nonviolent political and economic development to reverse extremism and promote reform within authoritarian governments.

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage; Stephen Heintz, president of Rockefeller Brothers Fund; and Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of America; were among members of the group.
Just so everyone knows when you read this, if you didn't already; the ISNA, along with CAIR, was one of a few unindicted co-conspirators in the "Holy Land terror finance trial."

Sure is nice to see Madeliene Albright and Richard Armitage aligning themselves with Islamist fifth-columnists who would see us dead, if they had their way.

Ever heard of Taquiya?


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