Monday, December 1, 2008

Guess Who Got Their Job Back???

Look at him, acting all surprised....

Raise your hands class if you thought this would happen....

From the (AP)---
State Department officials said Friday that Samantha Power is among a group of foreign policy experts that the president-elect's office selected to help the incoming administration prepare for Clinton's anticipated nomination as secretary of state.The Obama transition team's Web site includes Power's name as one of 14 members of the "Agency Review Team" for the State Department.
Just so everyone remembers who we are talking about; this is the same Samantha Power that called Hillary a "monster" and was forced to resign.... Incidentally, this is the same oxygen thief that called for an invasion of Israel by, get this, the USA.

I wonder how she will be getting along with Hillary, now that Hillary has been appointed to be the Secretary of State? Would love to be a fly on the wall for that one...

Ed Morrissey has some good background on her at (Ed Morrissey 10/05/08)....


H/T: Weaselzippers

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another great example of the illuminati left's political correctness! How could you ever not support someone who might one day become your secretary of state? HA!

Yes, to be a fly on the wall in the room that Samantha and Hilary meet would be great!