Monday, June 15, 2009

CBS News Goes Full Lefty Shitbird Crazy: G.W. Bush and Ahmahomo The Same...

Great work in journalism there See BS. Seems to me that you forgot the part (important parts actually) about President Bush taking on radical terrorists who want us dead and gone and in the process liberating over 50,000,000 Muslims from two of the most violent and repressive regimes in history in the Middle East and bringing democracy to the people who just want to live their lives there.

Seems to me that there really is something in the water over there and they are putting it in the Kool-aid.

President Fuckstick's Response: "This is a debate among Iranians about Iran's future."



Mik said...

What a crazy bunch of coconuts over there. The tv went digital and I have not gone along with it at this point. Used to work in television, didn't think much of it then, still done. Don't mind the quiet and I don't have to deal with this kind of crap.

Mik said...

Hmmm axis of evil, hmmmm sooo Bush WASN'T wrong it seems. Perhaps we just elected one of the axis of evil's possee members tho. To bad we had a bunch of fence sitters who couldn't decide between Mcain and Obama.

Deebow said...

I have so much to do now, I can't pay attention to the MSM anymore...