Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Bigger Cup Of Awesomeness: Senate to Vote on ObamaCare Repeal Today....

Captain Kickass is probably not happy....

ABC News--The US Senate today is poised to vote on repealing President Obama’s controversial new health care law.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said today on the Senate floor that the repeal vote will likely occur sometime late this afternoon.

“We, as senators, have a choice,” Reid said. “We can move forward or we can look backward. We can make progress or stage a futile fight with the future. It’s clear this week that while the American people and Senate Democrats are looking ahead, Senate Republicans are looking for a way to distract the American people.”

Republicans have insisted that the Senate vote on repealing the law after the House passed a repeal last month. However, the House is controlled by Republicans, while Democrats still hold a 53 to 47 majority in the Senate, making today’s GOP push an effort destined to fail. But that is not stopping Republicans who want to go on the record as trying to scrap the bill that they have denounced as one of the worst in history.

Yes, I do want the Democrats on record as supporting this.  This will establish where each of the parties stands.  It helped all of the other Senators that were up for re-election so much in 2010 when they touted their support for the health care law...

There really should be a sarcasm font....


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