Monday, December 1, 2008

"May You Live In Interesting Times."

Where numbers count for nothing....

I hate him, but Chairman Mao had a point....

How interesting are the times we live in.... Remember to stock up on guns and ammo (before Obama outlaws them), learn to grow your own food, drill a well, and buy a generator.

These are truly dangerous times, and I hope we all survive this next four years....


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jester, These really are dangerous times. I am glad that my family and I own guns already, and a well is soon on the way. The way this goverment is shaping up... it looks more and more socialist. We are losing our identity and slowly beginning to look more and more like Europe. At one point we were disliked because we were different. Now, though, this age of political correctness and the illuminati left that is pushing for a p.c. society is pushing us more and more towards conformity.